Does the ordering of heading tags matter?

Nik from London asks “I’m using a template website (I’m an amateur!). The h1 tag appears below the h2 tag in the code. Does the spider still know what’s going on?”

Yeah! I wouldn’t worry about it, we can handle h1s and h2s very well don’t make your entire page h1 or h2 but you will not believe the sort of stuff that people put up on the web. There is study several years ago that said 40% of web pages have syntax errors. So having one h1 below h2 I wouldn’t sweat it. There are so many people who do broken web pages and ugly web pages and pages that are not really HTML and we still try to process that because there could be some good information on those pages. So just having out of order h1s or h2 pages I wouldn’t worry about.

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