What’s the preferred way to check for links to my site?

Murph from Baltimore, MD asks, “Seeing as the “link:” search query is hardly ever accurate, what would be your favorite/preferred what to check for inbound link be if you were a webmaster? ”

Well, I’ve explained this before the link: operator is accurate; it only shows you a sub sample of your links. So my preferred way would be to log into Google’s Webmaster Tools and we will show you a very exhaustive list of back links, pretty much everything all the back links that we know of in Google’s Webmaster Console. The nice thing is other people can’t spy on that so your competitor can’t look at you back links. You can start to see other back links from other sites like Yahoo Site Explorer, for example, if you type in a URL into Yahoo Site Explorer just in their search box you can explore the back links in that way. So those are the couple of tools that you can use. But it’s not Link: show a wrong link, it’s just that we don’t show all of the links that we know about. So there are a lot of different options if you have to find out more about back links from different websites.

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