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Can individual common words be trademarked:

Most online business and offline quality Businesses today trademark their brand name or product name etc. But the common question asked can anyone trademark a single word generic word like seminar , training, class, college etc?

As per the rule of US trademark office you cannot trademark too common generic words. There are instances where people claim they have copyrighted a common single word. In most cases it will be fake you need to verify those claims I am sure you will see those are actually bogus claims.

In online Business there are lots of occasions where people get worried whether a keyword in their domain name if trademarked can be used in their domain names. First of all if you want to advertise for keywords like best or buy it’s a problem. Best and buy are just common words you can advertise them or use them in your domain names like you can buy a domain But for Bestbuy is a trademarked brand you cannot use that in a domain or advertise for that word. For example you cannot have the domain name I would consider this trademark violation and if the trademark owner disputes you can be fined. Even you can’t advertise for best buy related keywords.

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