Matt Cutts – Significance of links will fall in Google over time

Google search engine algorithm was actually based on evaluating the content and backlinks. But currently, after panda and penguin updates, webmasters believe that more importance is given only for content and not for backlinks. Many webmasters just wanted to know if backlinks have lost their importance.

Matt Cutts says, “ Over time, backlinks will become a little less important.

He says that Google strives to provide best search results for user queries. So links still hold their value in order to find the reputation of the site. Though backlinks are considered as a factor, quality of the content in the page is given more importance while ranking. He emphasizes that the reputation actually maters but not as much as the content of the page.

Currently the Google search engine results are still depending on the links but this will change soon. Cutts admits that links will lose its importance in the upcoming days.

Google still needs to better understand about user needs, what they actually want so that the search results can be delivered better.

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