Some interesting stuffs in Co-op network:

You know anyone can create a custom search engine with Google. I just came across this interesting page where a guy gives out a search engine that can actually find do follow blogs. . . SO what is the use of do-follow blogs these blogs allow people to comment on their blogs without a no follow . Without a no follow means you can Spam the hell out of that Blog. But most do-follow blogs have effective Spam prevention systems they have pre-moderation enabled in most cases. SO I don't think there is any special benefit finding do-follow blogs. But being in an era of no follow its good to find some do-follow blogs.
When you create a custom search engine you can
# include one website, multiple websites, or specific web pages.
# Host the search box and results on your own website.
# Customize the colors and branding to match your existing web pages.

This custom search engine as it claims doesn't show all do-follow blogs. Some of the blogs coming up are actually no-follow. If you want to find do-follow blogs I recommend doing a search by your own and checking source code rather than counting on these search engines.



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