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Aiming the wrong keywords

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:21 am
by siteadmin
You should be very carefully in choose the keywords which you want to compete for. For example, if you are making a website for your local cricket team, you should not aim to be first for the "sport" keyword. The "sport" keyword is simply too general and there are already many old and well optimized websites that will always be ahead of you in the search results. You should find your own niche (keywords you rank for) and optimize your website for it.

Re: Aiming the wrong keywords

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:12 am
by webmatrix
siteadmin wrote:You should be very carefully in choose the keywords which you want to compete for. For example, if you are making a website for your local cricket team, you should not aim to be first for the "sport" keyword. The "sport" keyword is simply too general and there are already many old and well optimized websites that will always be ahead of you in the search results. You should find your own niche (keywords you rank for) and optimize your website for it.
Nice post will be very helpful for the SEO Newbies.

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:05 pm
by mariyajackson
ya, people have to target the keywords more specially than choosing the general one.