Start Your Bookmarks,

Monday, May 19, 2008

Bookmark seeding simply denotes to the practice of receiving people you know to give your article a thrust by jointly bookmarking it in their accounts.

Usually a number of bookmarks are wanted before your article starts to be noticed on, which will then send guests to your website. These recommendation guests may choose to bookmark your blog post as well.

After you have done all the opening marketing, consider asking if several of your friends to give your blog post an opening boost by bookmarking it. Some webmasters I know will go out of their way to forcefully trade bookmarks, which I think may be too excessive.

This unnaturally rise in bookmarks is limited to your online social network and will finally be powerless to move beyond a certain point. I do believe that the articles might even be finally pushed off the popular pages over time.

I do not advise putting any time in forceful bookmark seeding because the returns are usually privileged if you focus on writing worth content and promoting them successfully to targeted websites and social voting platforms.

posted by Horshan @ 11:51 PM permanent link   |

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