The newest search market share numbers are from Hitwise: in the four weeks that ended March 31st, Google racked up fully 64.13% of all US searches. This is more than 10% since March 2006, if trends hold; Google's share would pass the two thirds marks by August. In the same period, Yahoo, Microsoft, and Ask lost the share.

This is not good news for the search also, as it covers a period when all of them made main and improvements to their search engines.

Conventional wisdom has long held that Google is susceptible to erect attacks. The new Hit wise data suggest that, however, Google is really gaining influence in valuable verticals. Search engines grow in influence over the year, accounting for more total traffic sent to sites in the categories of travel, shopping, health, business, and entertainment, among others. However, in all of these categories, the growth of Google's share of this "upstream traffic" is flowing outpaced its rivals. In shopping, for instance, Google's share grew 14% whereas, taken together, all search engines increased their share by only 6%.

Of course, web market share numbers are disreputably fallible, they require further vetting. Meantime, those distressed for any sign of Google weakness, may take some comfort in this recent PC Magazine critique of the Gmail. Delighted GOOGLE investors wish to fuel their warm and fuzzy feelings, on the other hand, must proceed directly to Alex Iskold's two-by-two matrix-laden evidence that Google is, in reality, the "ultimate money making machine".

posted by Skarmund @ 8:44 PM permanent link   |

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