Techniques to care about link building,

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Link exchanges have been a fantastic way to meet new persons and create new and profitable business associations with webmasters around the world. Because of link exchanges, We have

  • met a number of great webmasters.
  • reviewed a lot of resources such as ebooks, software, services.
  • learned a lot about the Internet and website promotional issues.

When you create a link exchange, in addition to linking to a website, you are connecting to a person (the webmaster)--that is why cold, impersonal, automated link exchange requests usually go unanswered. Link exchanging is networking at its top and is something that has to be done in person (via email or phone). We keep all our link partners names and emails so we can contact them at anytime with important updates or to ask for help. It is the people following the links. we never know who you are going to meet or what doors it might open for you in the future.

posted by sarah @ 11:28 AM permanent link   |

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  • At November 5, 2008 3:13 AM, Anonymous Vern Masterson said…

    I have similar experiences in my link building history. When I look back on it, I'm also amazed at how many interesting people around the world I've been able to talk to. Generally speaking everyone is nice about link trades too, since most people with a website have to engage in the process at some point.


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