Brett Tabke Founder - Brett one of the foremost SEO GUY

Brett Tabke- the authority in search engine optimization

The topmost SEO intellectual, Brett Tabke was exposed to computers and the net world from his school days itself. His interest and curiosity grew from his mere childhood and it did not take much of a time for Brett to establish himself in the SEO field. Brett is now the CEO of the famous optimization site,

When Brett Tabke finished his college, he started working part time for Epyx, Berkeley Softworks, TwinCities, and others in Commodore software. He authored a book for Western Design and Ahoy magazine. Then, Brett started working with bulletin Board system (BBS) and Net Promotions.

BBS is the precursor of the present forums. Brett put the first BBS online in 1984. From there he picked up building websites and also learned about online traffic. It did not take much time for Brett to be the authority on internet traffic.

About search engine marketing Brett explains, "Search Engine Marketing is just a fancy name for checkbook SEO. That's not what I deal with - it is optimization and promotion I am concerned with."

Brett looks forward to expand the forum offerings to address the growing needs of the web world. He envisions a full service site that supports all the needs of webmasters. But Brett does not like to deviate from his own field of search engine promotion.

Brett's site:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brett Tabke is actually, not a very nice guy.

8:36 PM  
Blogger power said...

Why you say that and who are you, Brett runs a great forum where i learned a lot of things, i am greatful to brett tabke for this, itself makes him a nice guy, what else you need,

9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 'nice guy' thing is a carefully crafted persona, and he hasn't done seo in years.

6:23 PM  

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