Search Engine Optimization Tip 1 - February 1st Tuesday 2005

Before starting with any search engine optimization work Do a complete research of your industry, Analyze your competitor sites, check how their site is built upon content wise as well as link wise, Check using commands like link: and linkdomain: to find out all backlinks to your competitor sites,

For yahoo,

link: will show links to that particular page, so suppose your competitor has some articles which has good backlinks, check the backlinks of that page using that command, for example link:

this way you can understand how your competitor site ranks, Good popular inner pages are also a power to your main page, a good popular article page with good backlinks is very good in transfering link popularity to your homepage, will help determine most of the backlinks that whole domain possesses, this includes links to inner pages of that domain,

Competitive Analysis is a vital part of search engine optimization, If this part is done properly most of the further SEO work will be over, Put all that you research on your competitors in a file and do that for your site, you will see good ranking improvements,

Wait for tomorrow's time
SEO Blog Team,


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