Matt Cutts on Duplicate Content and Paid Search - Video Transcript

Ya,Ya. It was just a bunch of Q&A it was fun

Yep, Ya, Ya, Well that's something they have been doing a little more is submit sessions so there is penalty box submit tomorrow so its gonna be nice, That what people wants its like a 2 way thing a lot more than, ok, lets plan your thing with a power point then some time for questions, There is a little bit of power point, but lot of it is like what u wan the most, what r the features u really need'

Ya it was funny at the end, That when I laughed, Ok u have seen most of it, so she gave puffy examples instead, good willow bad willow, good centre good centre,

It worked ya it worked Hmm,Hmmm, Yep ,Ya

I think its interesting, it's a deep issue, Its kinda tough 1 too, so really good question of claiming your content but then, we were talking about that couple of days ago with a bunch of goggle's, And we always have to worry about how it can be found, and so, what if somebody innocent doesn't claim their content, and then, and then smart man that comes along, and claims everybody else's content,

And so when u have got your whole frequency and u have to worry about people taking your content in between the time u scroll your pages that's a tricky thing, Now nice thing is some thing like blog search, we get a pinning, we get to scroll it, we can see it rite then, so the time frame in blog search is so much faster, so we get to little bit more on ownership, so I think we hoping to try in a lot of different things but it is a difficult issue.

Yep, Right, Yep

Ya u know, 1 thing v have said is which is pretty good rule have come is if u do syndicate your content, try n make sure people know you are the master source of it, you can do that with the link from the article or link from the video at least that way u have got 2 copies of the same content, This one the chronicle one the real one the 3rd one is likely to have more links, so this automatically see that not only its got lot of paid links and stuff like that so this makes the job a little bit easier. So there are some good rules have come, u can do whatever u syndicate it, it helps break the tie a little bit.

Ya absolutely, some people say oh dear Google tell me what to do. And we are not, like your the web master, it's your site, u do whatever u want on your site. And that's your rite. But that's our in depths, and here we are finding what we think are best practices, and if you wanna do really well and good in Google, I think most webmasters do, here are some you can do well but you know people will always have rites to take on more risk but, we wanna tell them that there is a lot of risk involved in that, and so people should think about before they do it

Well, and I think its interesting, because we have said we don't like as early a s 2005 but we have not talked about this recently, so even though it wasn't going to be incredible popular with seos, because seos like to have as many tools in their tool boxes as possible I said it time to revise at this topics, I we can remind people about it, and so even though I knew there would be a lot of comments Its important to reintegrate use the stance and we mite be taking stronger action on it in the future so its sort of giving people the heads up, its like giving them a little bit of notice, They can choose what they wanna do but they should also think about the possible consequences of what they choose to do.

I think we would be good to make a lot of that, I talked about it during the q& A, our guide lines are pretty minimal, I wanna give the people the idea of what to do,. Triangular links, pentagonal links, Hexagonal links n stuff like that

We were saying, how about four way links, no that's against the Google line, some were like 5 way links at some point u wanna think you wanna give the idea n then and people can infer from that but I think it would be nice to have few more details, we have looked at, how can provide few more scenarios, we take some from the we set on the blog and cooperate that into the web master guide lines.

Its possible its, its more like it, we have it at the back of our mind, So for example within the past few months we have revised our webmaster help in general to say no not everything is 100% automatic, No human have ever touched that. Because u need really room for social search so it is an ongoing process we talked about search results and how its not a good process to not have tones of search results that don't add a lot of value so v do go back, for example we also added a spy-ware, Trojan, and that sort of stuff, so it is kind of living document we always go back every few months what we need to add and how are we gonna make it better.

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