Search-based Keyword Tool Google launch

The Search-based Keyword Tool provides keyword ideas:
Based on actual Google search queries
Matched to specific pages of your website with your ad and search share
New to your Adwords account (typically excluding keywords matching those already in your account)What is the Search-based Keyword Tool?

The Search-based Keyword Tool generates keyword and landing page ideas highly relevant and specific to your website. In doing so, the tool helps you identify additional advertising opportunities that aren't currently being used in your AdWords ad campaigns.

Based on your URLs, the Search-based Keyword Tool displays a list of relevant user queries that have occurred on (and on other Google search properties, such as with some frequency over the past year; these suggestions can be found under the Keywords tab, in the New keywords related to (site) section. In the Keywords related to your search section, you can see a broad list of keyword ideas that are also relevant, but aren't necessarily based on your site.
The keywords are also organized by category. Click any category to expand and view its subcategories. If applicable, you'll also see the keywords organized by brand names

you can use it here,



Thnx for sharing the link.....

10:17 AM  

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