Category: Photoshop tips

  • Photoshop circle Twist Effects

    Let’s create a new file (File>New) of 1920×1200px/72 dpi. Using the Paint Bucket Tool (G),give the new background layer black color. On a new layer (Create new layer) we’ll apply a standard brush to represent a spot on the central part of the picture. The brush’s color is #007EC7 Select…

  • Matte Painting

    First of all, find a good res picture. I chose to use a picture of a house I found on the web. You can find very nice pics for free, just look around ! The first step is to isolate the house by putting it on a separate layer and…

  • Adding Texture to the Skin

    Basically, in this tutorial I’m going to be showing you how to add texture to the skin like the one in the below image. Firstly, start by finding a stock photo that you can add the texture to. For example, you can use this one or you can of course,…