Search engines love fresh contents - New contents a gift for search engines.

Search Engines love new contents being added to site everyday. We hav tested this on about 25 different sites. Contents where the pages are updated regularly are crawled on a regular basis. Pages like the homepage which rarely changes gets indexed probably once in a week or at times once in a month.

I recommend keep updating the site regularly add a blog / article or news section and constantly update this area with fresh information so that search engines when ever they come to your site finds fresh information. To get the best results from the updated information make sure you write it unique, content syndication from other blogs or news sites dont work to the best. Unique information is a hit with search engines they love to see great information from your website that is fresh for their users. Our blog postings get crawled in about 2 hours time not more than that. This is because of quality fresh information we provide for the crawlers.

SEO Blog Team.

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