Pay Per Click Advertising Services

Pay Per Click Services

Best keyword management by customizing your keyword advertising text to maximize its marketing impact. Our Team will find proper keywords for your web site after making in depth analysis of your site so that you will not miss those priceless "bargain" keywords.

PPC Services

Pay Per Click(PPC)
PPC optimization
Focused Adcopy Writing
Right Keywords
Attractive Ad Extensions
Attest Implementation
Regular Audit on Bids
Improved ROI
Conversion Tracking
Reports for insight

Search Engine Optimization Problems

Our Clients

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    $valueal){ if($valueal['type'] != 'cdata') { $item[$keyey] = $valueal; } } $i = 0; foreach($item as $key => $value){ if($value['type'] == 'open') { $i++; $itemame[$i] = $value['tag']; } elseif($value['type'] == 'close') { $feed = $values[$i]; $item = $itemame[$i]; $i--; if(count($values[$i])>1){ $values[$i][$item][] = $feed; } else { $values[$i][$item] = $feed; } } else { $values[$i][$value['tag']] = $value['value']; } } //RETURN ARRAY VALUES return $values[0]; } /****************************************************************************************************************** SAMPLE USAGE OF FUNCTION ******************************************************************************************************************/ //PARSE THE RSS FEED INTO ARRAY $xml = parseRSS(""); foreach($xml['RSS']['CHANNEL']['ITEM'] as $item) { $i++; echo("
  • {$item['TITLE']}
  • "); if($i >= 4) break; } echo("


    "); ?>

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Regular Audit on Bids

Bid management is referred to maintaining good positions by paying decent bid prices.

We understand the value of your customers and increase their value post value.

The amount you can afford to pay per click is directly clinched to your site and ad performance for each peculiar keyword in your campaign.

Thousands of keywords are available, our team works on the list apt for your business and also assess the predefined and apply the required stress to keep them unique and eye catching.

The History on bids and their performance that we maintain for your business improvises better understanding and future analysis.

On a having clear understanding and being aware of your ceiling and floor bids, we keep adjusting the bids of your ads based on the average position of our Ad and the competitors Ads.

We provide you suggestions based on the query supply and alter your CPC, which involves keyword refinement and bid positions.

We maintain the consistency, visibility and originality of your Brand by doing regular refinements on your Ads.


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