Give Time for Your Ad Campaigns to Prove Themselves

Don’t expect boon results in one month. One of the most significant characteristics of running a PPC campaign is the time factor. Take your time and assemble your campaign slowly by concentrating in periodic ad testing, daily budget, and bidding. This is very important. Your ad testing should be simple. You can create 2 or more adcopies and compare them with your current ad text. You can do this weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or even quarterly. I suggest monthly. You’re building your campaign one day at a time. The daily budget will avoid you from spending huge amounts too soon. It allows you to make mistakes without much risk. You can test your ads and change your bids peacefully. Bidding changes are essential because if you stay at the same bid all the time, then you will rise and fall according to the market changes. If you are not changing the ads and bids periodically, sometimes your top position ad will list in the 10th page. That’s what I am telling you every time. Monitor your campaigns on a daily basis.

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