Track Conversions And Traffic

By tracking user activity in your website, you can easily understand the performance of your website and can take necessary steps to improve your PPC campaigns. Now there are means to measure the traffic and its sources. You can track how much traffic you get on a daily basis, where your traffic is coming from, what links your traffic clicks on, and how many people actually make a purchase. It is interesting to know how many people come to your website, how many of them g through each step of processing and how many of them make a real time purchase. You can easily understand at which step-i mean page-your visitors loses interest in purchase. Some times in between a purchase process some other links in the page attract the visitor and force them to exit the current page and lead them to a new page. There are so many tracking software available. Statscounter and Google Analytics are some of them. I recommend Google analytics. You can get a detailed report of your website by including “Urchin code” given by your Google analytics account in all your web pages. You can set goals for a purchase processes. This will help you to find people’s entry and exit point in your purchase process steps. Along with Google analytics, use the conversion tracking given by PPC providers in respective pages.

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