Buying text links is legitimate

Buying text links is of course a lawful marketing practice but such links should never be bought on the basis of PageRank score – its just not a useful metric for such a decision.

There is abundance of opportunities to buy text links – on portals, trade associations, ezines, even non-profit organizations.

If you are leaving to buy text links, then do so based on marketing decisions:

* Does the site serve your target markets and present potential for getting excellence traffic?
* Will your text link be easy to get to to search engines?
* Is the content of the site well-matched with the products or services that you present?
* Is the design of the site expert and do the companies who have already bought text links appear to be reputable?
* Do you have a budget and a target in mind? You will spend $x and wait for sales of at least $y in return.

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