Effective ways to link building

  1. Hubs: hubs are a great way to build inbound links to your main products and services. Building links to your own hubs will improve your hubs popularity. You can use the main techniques that you would use to promote your own site with a few extras. Comment on other relevant hubs, visit other hubs, and become active in the hub pages forum.
  2. Forums: An online discussion group. Online services and bulletin board services provide a variety of forums, in which participants with common interests can exchange open messages. Forums are sometimes called newsgroups or conferences.
  3. Authority sites: Authority sites are what you are interested in if you are in the haunt for top position on the search engines. In search engine optimization terms, authority sites make your job 10 times easier than a website that has not already achieved this status. Authority sites generally have more content and more pages than other sites. The search engines feed on content rich websites and those with many pages and much content per page will do better when going head to head with a smaller site.
  4. Social media: A category of sites that is based on user participation and user-generated content. They include social networking sites like Linked In or Facebook. Some of the important characteristics of social media are participation, openness, conversation, community, and connectedness.
  5. Email Lists: Email discussion lists represent a wealth of largely untapped link building potential. They’re not utilized as much as they could be for internet marketing, partly because they take a lot of time commitment and specific knowledge to post to.
  6. Blogs: There are various benefits if you post comments on blogs. If you post comments on high traffic and influential blogs, you get noticed in front of many people and so you contribute to the discussion. If you post some valuable comment on the Blog, visitors may visit your site to get more information. If you keep posting comments repeatedly, you will gain reputation and so this may lead to business opportunities.
  7. Directories: Good directories include Yahoo, Business.com, and Best of the Web, DMOZ and starting point.
  8. News sites: Online press releases are a good idea, use them. News is one of the pillars of online content, and has several advantages for publishers.

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