How Can Resellers Create Linkable Assets & Build Better Link

Linkable assets are content assets that can help a reseller to build and improve its links, thus boosting its organic visibility. They are content and marketing pieces that provide value for readers, and through which sites and businesses can link back to the reseller’s website. Linkable assets can include blog posts, whitepapers, research studies, infographics, videos, podcasts, webinars, eBooks, and more. These linkables are designed to be easily shared and promoted across the web encouraging high quality and authoritative links from other websites. There are several types of linkable assets resellers can create and leverage for link building. The first type is content-driven linkable assets. These include blog posts, case studies, whitepapers, webinars, eBooks, guides, and other similar pieces of content. These assets should focus on providing valuable content to readers and should be optimized for search engines. When creating content for linkable assets, it’s important to include relevant keywords that will help the page rank higher in search engines. Additionally, adding relevant hashtags to content can help the content to get discovered by more people. The second type of linkable asset resellers can create is multimedia assets. These include videos, infographics, podcasts, images, animations, slideshows, and other multimedia pieces.

Resellers Create Linkable Assets & Build Better Links
Resellers Create Linkable Assets & Build Better Links

These assets can be embedded on other websites, helping to create more inbound links, as well as increase the visibility of the reseller’s site across social media platforms. Additionally, by including relevant keywords and hashtags, multimedia assets can also increase the visibility of the reseller’s site in search engine results. Resellers can also leverage influencers and guest posts as linkable assets. By collaborating with influencers, resellers can leverage their connections and audience reach to build more links to their sites. Guest blogging on other sites, with links to the reseller’s site, can also help to build backlinks, and drive more traffic to the site. Finally, resellers can create viral content pieces as a linkable asset. Viral content includes creative content that is designed to be shared across social media platforms in an effort to increase the visibility of the reseller’s site. This content should be engaging, creative, and compelling enough that it encourages viewers to share it. By leveraging linkable assets, resellers can not only improve the visibility of their sites in organic search engine results, but also build better relationships with customers and other businesses. Additionally, creating linkable assets can allow resellers to stand out from their competitors, by helping them to create content that is unique and adds value to their readers.

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