Optimizing your image for search engine

Image seo is a technique for receiving more and more traffic for our site through search of image. Images must be maintained in a good sense. Optimizing image inside your page reflects like maintaining a small webpage within your page. Fewer things which should be kept in mind while optimizing an image.

Finding of right image is important step to image optimization, which relates your content.

Saving your image

1. Your image must be saved under an “images” folder.


(www. Domain-Name.com/images/red_rose.jpg)

2. Avoid saving your image in root directory.



3. Provide folders for image depending on your website size.

4. Use grouping for folders when you maintain a large website.



Image format:

Constantly save your image in .jpg

Tag your Image:

1. Must provide alt tag for exposing a good image.


<img src=”images/red_rose.jpg” width=”100” height=”100” alt=” Red_Rose”>

2. Title tag also required.


<img src=”Domain-Name/images/red_rose.jpg” alt=”Red_Rose” height=”300″ width=”400″ title=” Red_Rose “/>

3. Ever display your image inside your content. Must use float property in div tag to do this.


<div style=”float: right; margin: 5px”><img src=” Domain-Name/images/red_rose.jpg” alt=” Red_Rose ” height=”300″ width=”400″ title=” Red_Rose “/></div>

Usage of Keywords is important

1. Save your image name in keyword terms.
2. Your Title and Alt tag must be having image name.
3. Try to present small descriptive details about image in your alt tag.

Other important features:

1. Identical image size must be kept in account.
2. Try to display limited number of image on per page.
3. Avoid stuffing unnecessary keywords in alt and title tag and other places.
4. Give importance to your anchor text while providing link with image.
5. Image must always match the content you display.

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