Google's New Favicon, Friday, May 30, 2008

Google has changed a new favicon, you may noticed it in the address bar, in your browser's tabs or in the bookmarks list or also in the feed readers.

Google's upper-case "G" favicon in blue, green and red borders respectively, is a 16X16 pixels images which was hosted at, it was just replaced with a lower-case purple "g" with in a rounder corner rectangle. However, this new favicon is not less joyful and cheering, but it makes a lot of sense. The small "g" represents the symbol of infinity and Google is a website for the huge amount of information which are organized and indexed properly.

posted by candy @ 10:32 PM permanent link   |

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Mozilla Beta Release, Thursday, May 29, 2008

Finally Mozilla organization has released Firefox 3.0 RC1, which brings the open source Firefox browser with some improved features. You may install it with your existing Firefox installation, Firefox 3.0 RC1 beta will lugs your existing bookmarks into the newer version.

The main feature of this release it just shatter the page render much faster using the Gecko 1.9 renderer, which improves the feel tremendously. Added to that the infamous memory leaks seems to be patched, meaning that the browser ruins lightweight and functional.

posted by candy @ 3:51 AM permanent link   |

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Redirecting PHP pages, Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Redirecting a visitor or the browser is necessary in different situations. If a page is temporarily down at that time we can use HTTP 302 redirect. Same way the permanent redirection is HTTP 301 redirection. Each the 3xx are different types of redirection and out of them 301 and 302 are common. The HTTP 301 permanent redirection is accepted by search engines also.

We will be use the Location Header function to redirect a page. This script works when we have not send to any php or html command to out put any thing in the browser. Trouble is to be taken not to send any other to the browser after the header redirection using location command. Here is the code.

header ("Location:");

/* Redirect browser to web site */
exit; // Closes further script execution .

You can see this code above will redirect the page to a new URL.

posted by candy @ 12:57 AM permanent link   |

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What is HTTP and HTTPS?, Tuesday, May 27, 2008

HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transport Protocol, which is mostly used for transferring information back and forth between web servers and clients. HTTPS stands for Hyper Text Transport Protocol Secure. It transfers the data between web servers and clients in a more secure Way.

If you visit a website or webpage, and take a look at the address in the web browser, it will probably start with the following: http://. This means that the website is communicating to your browser using an 'unsecure' language. In other words, it is possible for an unknown person to "eavesdrop" on your computer's conversation with the website. If you fill out a form on the website, someone might see the information you send to that site.

But if the web address commence with https://, which basically means your computer is conversing to the website in a secure code that no one can eavesdrop on.

This is why you never enter your credit card number in a http website!

If a website whenever requests you to enter your credit card details, you should involuntarily look to observe if the web address begins with https://. If it doesn't, there's no way you're going to enter sensitive information like a credit card number!

posted by candy @ 3:32 AM permanent link   |

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When to hire, and What Size Firm, Sunday, May 25, 2008

when a merchant employs an SEO firm, it is more important as which firm they hire. The right moment to outsource SEO help is right before a major site redesign. If a merchant does not appoint an SEO firm until after re-launch, "You were building your troubles in,".

If you do the site rebuild with the help of a SEO firm, you can stay away from pitfalls like unnecessary use of Flash, HTML frames, or graphics that works in opposition to search visibility. SEO concerns be supposed to be a central driver to a rebuild, not an after-the-fact add-on.

When you rent an SEO specialist, your own site's size is a key determinant of which company to hire. "There is no 'one-size-fits-all' SEO vendor,". A small SEO shop having three to four-people would be swamped by a massive corporate account, and a best-of-breed 100-person SEO/paid search consultancy would be far too costly for a 'mom and pop' site.

However, both of these SEO companies might do high-quality work at a reasonable price for the part of business they are set up to handle.The difficulty is that "a lot of SEO firms sell what they are having, not what is good for you”. In other words, it's up to the merchant to make a decision if an SEO company is the right size and has the right approach, the firms themselves will always say take the job, apart from this problem, as long as a merchant can compensate their fees.

To be clear in your mind, a good SEO expert will be able to locate or build up terms the business owner won't think of, but "the more you can be implicated with your own keyword research, the better."

posted by candy @ 10:01 PM permanent link   |

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GoLive is no more be alive, Thursday, May 22, 2008

Adobe Software has dropped their developing WYSIWYG web authoring tool GoLive. As they mainly develop this tool to compete with Macromedia Dreamweaver. However, with the Adobe's recent purchase of Macromedia and also the actuality that Dreamweaver is more suitable to develop web pages with most of the advance technologies, the Adobe's project GoLive has been call off.

posted by candy @ 6:57 AM permanent link   |

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Joomla!, Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Joomla! is an Content Management System (CMS), that will help you build websites and many other powerful online applications. Joomla! is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone.

Joomla! is use to all over the world to power everything from simple, personal home pages to complex corporate web applications. Here are just a number of the ways people use the Joomla! Software:

  • Corporate websites or portals
  • Online commerce
  • Small business websites
  • Non-profit and organizational websites
  • Government applications
  • Corporate intranets and extranets
  • Personal or family homepages
  • Community-based portals
  • Magazines and newspapers
  • The possibilities are unlimited…

Joomla! can be used to easily manage every aspect of the website, from adding content and images to updating the product catalog or taking online reservations.

posted by candy @ 12:26 AM permanent link   |

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Pay for Programmers and reviewers in the video game industry, Monday, May 19, 2008

A survey has been conducted by Game Developer magazine about the pay structure in the field of video game for programmers and the reviewers. The survey result concludes that programmers were making large amount money. According to the sixth annual survey taken by Game Developer magazine, programmers were earning the largest part money with a regular income of more than $80,000 per year for a second year in a row.

Producers were bagged the Second position , who earned an average of $77,000 and Game designers came in after that with an average salary of better than $61,500 although those with three or less years of experience came in much lower at a salary of less than $45,000. Artists came in next with an average salary of about $43,000.

Quality assurance or game testers be paid an average of just under $38,000 per year but again with only three or fewer years of experience, that salary drops to only just over $26,000 per year. Certainly game reviewers are still paid the least and most would not even reveal what little they earn.

The results are in and programmers are still the highest paid in the video game industry and reviewers still are paid the least

posted by candy @ 2:56 AM permanent link   |

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How to use cookies in PHP, Saturday, May 17, 2008

Cookies in PHP is done by using the statement setcookie() , this statement is available from the time when version 3 of PHP.

int setcookie (string Name [, string Value [, int Expire [, string Path [, string Domain [, int Secure]]]]]);

setcookie() defines a cookie that is sent the information from the header. Cookies are sent before any html tag; therefore, we call one of these statements before any tag <html> or <head>. This is a restriction of cookies, not for PHP.

All messages, except the name are optional.

  • Name . Name of the cookie. If we create a cookie only with its name, the cookie name is existing in the Client under said name will be deleted. We can also replace to any argument with an empty string("").

  • Value . Value to be stored by the cookie in the Client.

  • Expire . The argument expire is an integer argument that indicates the time of the cookie will be deleted in the time format returned by the UNIX statements time() and mktime(). Time() + N seconds of duration is commonly used to specify the duration of the cookie.

  • Path . Subdirectory where the cookie has a value.

  • Domain . Domain where the cookie has a value. If we establish as domain, the cookie is not set for Meanwhile, if we establish as domain, the cookie is set as for as for www.

  • Secure . The secure indicates that the cookie will only be set by a secure HTTPS connection.


setcookie("Ron", "Victor", time()+3600,"/","");

In this example, we set a user name cookie that has the value Victor , lasts 1 hour (3600 seconds) valid for the whole domain

posted by candy @ 12:27 AM permanent link   |

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Smarty for Programmers, Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The advantage for programmers is that they write the code in a PHP file without having to combine the instructions with HTML. Also, if the designer changes the layout of a page the programmer doesn't have to change the code to suit the new layout since the functionalities won't change. You perform your work in your files, assign to the templates all the values needed to print on the site and go out for a beer.

The PHP file you need to include the Smarty class require 'Smarty.class.php'. After that you instantiate the smarty with $smarty = new Smarty.

To assign a variable to the template you need to
$smarty->assign('UserName', 'Jeff Adams'). After everything is finished you call the method and to display the template $smarty->display('index.tpl').

A sample code like this (index.php) :

require 'Smarty.class.php';

$smarty = new Smarty;
$smarty->assign('Username', 'Jeff Adams');

The template (index.tpl) like this:

Welcome {$Username}

Also create an array in PHP an pass it to the template:

$tmplate = array ( 'UID'=> '10', &'Name' => 'Jeff Adams', 'Address'=>'Home address');
$smarty->assign('info', $tmplate);

posted by candy @ 12:25 AM permanent link   |

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Building Web Services with JAX-WS, Friday, May 2, 2008

JAX-WS referred for Java API for XML Web Services. JAX-WS is a technology for build web services and clients that communicate using XML. Using JAX-WS developers can make message-oriented as well as RPC-oriented web services.

In JAX-WS, a web service process invocation is representing by an XML-based protocol such as SOAP. The SOAP specification defines the structure, encoding rules, and conventions for representing web service invocations and responses. These calls and responses are transmitting over the HTTP as SOAP messages.

JAX-WS API hides the complexity of forming SOAP messages from the application developer. On the server side, the developers specify the web service operation by an interface written in the Java programming language. The developer codes one or more classes to implement this web service operation. A client forms a proxy and then simply invokes methods on the proxy. With JAX-WS, the developer does not produce or parse SOAP messages. JAX-WS converts the API calls and responses to and from SOAP messages.

JAX-WS make clients and web services have more advantage because Java is platform independent language. JAX-WS is not restrictive one (i.e.,) a JAX-WS client can access the web service that is running on any platform. JAX-WS gives more flexibility because it uses W3C technologies like HTTP, SOAP, and the WSDL.

posted by candy @ 10:53 PM permanent link   |

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Ajax, Thursday, May 1, 2008

The term AJAX referred as "Asynchronous JavaScript And XML," but is now used much more generally to cover all methods of communicating with a server using JavaScript.

Using the Ajax techniques we can submit server requests and get the information from the server to the user without the necessity of waiting for a page load. The page update without refresh was done by Javascript, PHP and XML's XMLHTTPRequest object.

is actually a grouping of several technologies working together to offer this capability. This could include the techniques bellow,

  • Ajax offer standards-based presentation using XHTML and CSS.
  • Client, server interaction made using DOM( Document Object Model) and provide dynamic display.

  • Data interchange and manipulation was performed by XML and XSLT.
  • Asynchronous data recovery using XMLHttpRequest.

  • And make JavaScript binding with everything together.

posted by candy @ 10:17 PM permanent link   |

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