CGI Time Out The specified CGI application exceeded the allowed time for processing. The server has deleted the process.

Whenever we tried to run some large script like data extraction or trying to get thousand number of records from remote database, most of us will face the following CGI Issue

“The specified CGI application exceeded the allowed time for processing. The server has deleted the…”

In order to run your script without any such kind of issue, please follow the steps provided below. Earlier I too faced such a issue but after research in my PC I finally fixed it.

Note: the following steps is only suitable only for the Windows XP and with the IIS version 5.1:

Go to your Internet Information Services (IIS) page (Go Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative tools -> Internet Information services)

Unfold Websites->Default Web site

Now right click on your website name (on which you are executing your script)

Select Properties

Select the tab Virtual Directory

In that page, select the option High (Isolated) under Application Protection, this option will remove the default timeout settings.

Now click on the button Configuration

Then select Process Options tab

Change the CGI Script Timeout value max value is 999999.

That’s it. You may now run your script without any issue.

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