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How to write humorously

There are several techniques that you can use so that people can smile while reading your article.

  1. Make fun of yourself. Your readers will laugh with you. This applies to making fun of your paraphernalia as well- parents, spouses, children, dogs and fish.
  2. Generalizations can be funny, but specificity is better
  3. Apply funny word, phrase or sentence at the last possible moment. You can force a pause before the punch line by starting a new paragraph.
  4. A single word can be very funny. It may be the way they sound or how they are spelled can make a person laugh. For example, destroy is routine but pulverize is hilarious. Surprise is ordinary but flabbergasted is priceless
  5. Swipe file is one of the best tools for anyone who writes. A swipe file is a collection of marketing messages, headlines, techniques etc. There is no plagiaristic aspect to a swipe file.
  6. It is very difficult for most of us to be funny. Use the rules above to make it better. Then do it again. When you think you’re done, ask a friend to read it, silently, in your presence.

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