Rock pattern text with floral design using Photoshop

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Step-1 open a new document in Illustrator, type the required text and go to Effect –> 3D –> Extrude & Bevel to get 3d text effect.

Step-2 Copy and paste that 3D text in Photoshop.

Step-3 Now go to Image –> Adjustments –> Level and give the below value.

Step-4 Then select Filter  –> Filter  gallery  –> Texture  –> Craquelure and give the below value.

Step-5 Press Ctrl + click on layer thumbnail and create new layer above the background layer then fill black color.

Step-6 Apply Blur  –> Gaussian Blur to black filled layer with the radius of 10px.

Step-7 You can change the color of text by giving Image –> Adjustments –> Hue/Saturation.

Step-8 Using brush tool create floral designs like below in new layer.

Step-9 creates a background by like below using filter gallery. First set the background and foreground color in green shades. Then go to Filter  –> Filter gallery  –> Rough Pastels. Give values as like follows:
Stroke Detail: 15; Stroke Length: 7; Scaling: 109; Relief: 13; Light: top left.

Step-10 Set stroke using gradient overlay in blending options.

Step-11 Now I changed the text color to golden brown.

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