Matt Cutts WordCamp Transcript Part-1

One of the person here asked me hey what plugins do you use. So here it is these are the plugins that I use infact all the plugins I use.


That’s how good wordpress is you don’t need to modify it that much that is how wordpress is already built in. Akismet already built in. Cookies for comments sharon from Ireland he does an amazing job of preventing spam basically it sets a cookie and if a spammer posts and if they don’t have that cookie you here you are a bot or they will just post directly so I hesitate to tell people about this because it’s so useful that if everyone starts using it the spammers will adapt but you guys are cool so cookiesforcomments I highly recommend it, enforce www.preference all these you don’t even have to explain it says look at that if you have or you don’t have to worry that your domain is split in or so this sort of stuff is fantastic.

Feedburner I like to use and wordpress super cache is a great plugin so the beauty of wordpress is you don’t need to do a lot of stuff but before we know how to rank higher in Google we need to know a little bit how Google works and it’s not that complicated we crawl roughly in the order of PageRank that means the more PageRank you have the faster you are likely to be found and more deeply we crawl your site and more often we visit your pages if they have been refreshed.


Ok PageRank magic green juice how do we get PageRank. First what is PageRank anybody wants to tell me, it is named after Larry Page. Larry Page and Sergey brin co-founders of Google cool. Ok what is PageRank? It’s not that secret it’s not that secret of sauce. We can just walk through a very simple Eigen vector its simple. Its simplify itself, similar value decomposition. PageRank is easy to understand.


I hope you don’t mind on a saturday morning talk about maths ok well let’s move on. PageRank has a standard and powerful meaning.It’s the number of people that link to you and how important those links are.One of my favorite example, say you have a buddy in college you have a blog and he has a blog suppose you have 10 comments or 10 links pointing to your blog and your buddy has 20 links pointing to his blog who has more PageRank? He got 20 links you only got 10? But what if your links are from Nytimes, LA times,, BBC and his 20 links are all from his colleagues in college? So PageRank is not just about getting lot of links, hey please give me more links, give me lot of links. No; so it is how quality the links are so having high quality content matters more and will attract lot of quality links. I promise i won’t get any more technical than this, i will walkthrough it very quickly but it is not bad as it looks.


Looks at this PageRank image here these are links coming into one page, one level (PageRank is by page). Look at this these are out looks so if you have a blog and your homepage of the blog is a PageRank 9, let’s say a 9 in abstract sense you link out with 3 links and the 9 gets divided by 3 and goes on 3 different links. That’s the basic idea behind PageRank if you look at the top image this guy has a PageRank of 100 (this guy has a lot of PageRank ) and he got 2 out links. So you take 100 and divide it by 2 because you got 2 out links and 50 goes in each one of them. That’s literally the idea behind PageRank it’s that simple. Now in practice if you have PageRank and if it has a loop it will go in a cyle for on and on and on. Mathematically speaking it will go on a infinite loop. So to avoid this infinite there is a small amount of adjustment to PageRank. A small amount of PageRank evaporates a small amount of decay everytime it goes in a loop. But that’s literally what PageRank is about it’s the number of links that are pointing to you and how important those links are.

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1 Comment to Matt Cutts WordCamp Transcript Part-1

November 27, 2009

Matt Cutts all blogs and videos are very informative and helpful. I am fan of Matt Cutts. Thanks for the information.

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