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1 Step Internet Copywriting Formula

1. You must provide valuable content for your visitors. How many web sites do you see that are just one big advertisement? (Answer: Way too many.) The solution is to provide helpful, useful information to your visitors.
2. You must capture the contact information of your visitors. When someone stops by your web site, that is NOT the end – it’s the beginning of a relationship. To make that relationship happen, you must capture information so you can begin a dialogue with your potential customer. One great way of accomplishing this is to offer a free report, or newsletter in exchange for filling out a brief survey.
3. You must present a complete and compelling case for buying your product or service. Most people make the mistake of trying to sell too many products on a web site. They often feature lots of big graphics but little information. It takes a lot of information to convince someone to order from you. Don’t be afraid of writing a sales letter that’s too long. Your letter can never be too long, only too boring.

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