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5 SEO Secrets for Copywriters!

They make every title of an article rock! Yes, articles which have great titles get linked to a lot more than articles which have titles that are boring. Getting your writing linked to is more important than any other factor of SEO copywriting.

SEO copywriters must make every post scannable! Your readers must be able to scan all the articles and posts you write, don’t expect them to read each and every line of the article to be read. They must be able to easily find the headings which explain to them what the next section is about. They should also find numbered and unordered lists. This leads to increased links from other websites.

Advanced SEO copywriters must target a set of keywords with each and every post. You must have noticed that the word ‘SEO copywriters’ has already appeared nearly three times on this page, this is because I’m trying to target that keyword with this post! It is generally recommend to insert at least 3 to 4 keywords on a single page.

Writers must get the keyword into a few heading tags on the page or post. If you’re a Blogger this means to make sure your keyword(s) is in the title of your post. You can also add your keyword(s) into headings within your post. Bloggers of WordPress can take advantage of this: Secret ‘Blogging Traffic Booster’ In WordPress.

SEO Copywriters know must that there are many variations of the target keywords which could be searched for. If a post targets ‘SEO Copywriter’, it should probably also target terms like ‘SEO Copywriting’ and ‘SEO Copywriters’.

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