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Copywriting Skills to Maximize Results with Resumes

Copywriting is essentially the art of persuasion, and it’s vital to your business success. Although copywriting is usually though of in terms of advertising, it can be used successfully in any form of communication, from speeches to classified ads. In this article, let’s look at how you can use your copywriting skills to maximize your results with resumes and bios.

The resume and biography is a perennial business tool, used by everyone from the lowliest intern to CEOs with million-dollar paychecks. Using copywriters’ skills on your bios ensures that they get attention.

Copywriting Creates Out-standing Resumes and Bios

“Who are you?” – this is the question you’re asked, directly or indirectly, by everyone with whom you want to do business. That question is answered with a resume and bio.

Resumes are primarily used for job hunting, but bios are used everywhere, from your Web site to your press releases and email signatures.

Although resumes are standardized, meaning they cover the information in a specific format, bios are free form. You can also target bios narrowly to a specific audience, so that you get exactly the response you want.

Big tip: a bio is not your autobiography. A bio is always short, and it’s written in the third person singular, like this: “Outstanding athlete John Smith… “; not in the first person singular “I’m an outstanding athlete…”

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