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Essential Rules for SEO Copywriting in 2020

Here are essential SEO copywriting rules to help you flourish in the year 2020:

1. Understand keyword intent

Real quick for anyone who’s unfamiliar or in need of a refresher: “Keyword intent” refers to the reason people search for the keyword you’re thinking about targeting. Generally speaking, there are three broad types of keyword intent:


  1. Informational: user wants to learn more about something, like a topic, product, or industry.
  2. Navigational: users wants to visit a specific website or web page. 
  3. Commercial: user wants to buy a product or service.

2. Get to the point

we have to keep in mind the ultimate goal: to create relevant content. Relevant content, after all, is the stuff Google puts at the top of the organic effective way to prove the pertinence of your content is to target your main keyword early on in your copy.

3. Refrain from keyword stuffing

To be clear, there’s an important difference between increasing keyword density at the beginning of your next blog post and engaging in what’s known as keyword stuffing—the practice of excessively targeting your main keyword in an attempt to improve organic search performance. Whereas the former is a fair-and-square way to demonstrate the relevance of your content, the latter is an outdated form of cheating.

4. Think hard about your headline

If your headline stinks, nobody is going to click through to your website. Set aside a substantial amount of time for brainstorming headlines. When possible, establish your authority over the subject matter you’re discussing.

5.Optimize your meta tags

There’s a practical element you should always have on the mind: the fact that Google will likely truncate your headline (a.k.a. title tag) if it’s longer than 60 characters. Speaking from experience, few things are more frustrating than writing a heater of a headline only to see it get truncated on the SERP. It’s not enough to be creative; you also have to be concise.Your headline is crucial, but it’s not the only meta tag in need of optimization: You also need to be thoughtful about your description (the text that displays directly below your URL).

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