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Quality or Quantity

We get lot of offers from clients and potential clients for bulk content. They are looking for cheap keyword content and they are not worried about the quality of the content. Some clients are looking for keyword rich contents though the content quality is bad. So is it a good strategy? Quantity or quality which one matters?

Quantity over quality

Quantity is always relative and mostly used in context of your website. If you run a large website with 1000s of products which you need to get it populated, write descriptions, write reviews yes quantity matters here. You need unique information for good search engine rankings and i am sure you would have in from less quality contents. These contents are not meant to be link worth. They are there just as a spider food and its not something you have that you can boost about.

Quality over quantity:

Quality matters much more than quantity especially for quality content sites made to impress users and to be made link worthy. You need quality contents when people read your content you need to make it look pleasant and attractive rather than making it sound junk and boring. Quality attracts natural back links and good quality repeated users to your website. This is the long term strategy for a successful online marketing campaign.

Overall quality and quantity depends completely on the context of your website. At times both work well together so if you are building a quality website you need to take care of both quality and quantity in a perfect threshold limit.

1 Comment to Quality or Quantity

Denver Seo Firm
May 4, 2011


Quality and Quantity is an interdisciplinary journal which systematically correlates disciplines such as mathematics and statistics with the social sciences, particularly sociology, economics, and social psychology.


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