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SEO copywriting tips for auto-transport sites

Today I thought ill share my experience on writing effective copies for automobile sites. I have personally written for at least 15 auto related sites and most of those sites perform very well in search engine rankings. Some of the articles I wrote for auto transport sites were a hit in social bookmarking sites. So I thought ill share tactics I use in writing articles and copies for auto transport related sites.

Everyday 100s of transport related sites are coming online its becoming increasingly tougher to write effective and quality copies that stands out among the 1000s of similar pages that exist out there. Lots of sites target the same keywords to be in top 10 of major search engines. They use the same phrases we use in their copies which makes our life even more difficult. To be ranked in top 10 of major search engines there should be something really different in your copies that other sites don’t use but search engines find impressive.

SEO copywriting for auto-transport sites need to be different , unique, exclusive from all the other related sites, this makes search engine’s job easier when measuring effectiveness of the content. Search engine do not have eyes like human being so they don’t understand the logical calculation as human being do.

To be an effective copywriter for automobile industry its very important that you have good knowledge about the type of Business the website does for which you are writing copy. When you understand the Business you will know what your targeted users are looking for when reading your copies.

For a quality copy prepare a list of auto related keywords including synonyms and antonyms. Once you have an effective list you need to redo the list. Your list will have one word, two word , three word phrases or even more. Take all the unique words occurring in it and prepare a list. Then select all the two word phrases and prepare a list and then 3 word phrases and so on. Once your final list is ready use all the single, double triple word phrases in your copy. This will make your copy a very effective one.

Search engine do not care whether the content is long or short. Content quality is more important for search engines.

An expertise copywriter with complete knowledge of auto-transport facilities and services need to be hired for copywriting such sites.

These are few tips that has to be kept in mind for SEO copywriting for Auto-Transport sites.

1 Comment to SEO copywriting tips for auto-transport sites

Stephanie Babick
March 27, 2011

this article was very well written.. thanks a lot for this. I’m will bookmark your site.

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