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SEO Copywriting – Use right keywords at right place

Do you know why search engines love header tags? That is only because it makes your content scan able. They tend to highlight the chief point of your written content. It is as simple as that, any visitor should be able to view your headlines and get the complete idea on what your copy is all about. This is where your keywords place the uppermost importance; they should be visible within the tags (header), as it is considered very seriously by any search engine giant. Know where your keywords should appear:

Title – Some of the search engines make use of the title of your page to determine rank of it and some may not. Using your targeted keywords in the heading is forever a good strategy as your title appears tinted in the search results and if your targeted keywords the user is looking for appear then the user is more probable to click the link.

Consider List and Bullet tags – While using list in your content or the bullets to create important points, make use of keywords. Lists are always impressive to read and remain good source of information on that particular page and are also used by search engines to determine the ranks on specific keywords.

Anchor Text – It is a text that appears between and , you might know this. If you are writing article about a topic such as search engine optimization, then you would certainly like your users to interpret more on that topic from whichever an external link, or a link on your own website. It simply displays you have got more foundations for the same information.

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