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Simple yet effective Search engine optimization guidelines

Non-technical writers can now reap the benefits of their content production efforts if focused on some key SEO factors. However, there is no denial about the fact that it does require some skill and strategy to best achieve this.  Listed below are some of the key SEO factors that a writer should mull over on and by tagging along this process means, you are on your way to boosting the popularity of your content and brand.

1) Focus your audience:

Be it a product or service, in general, audiences will always lookout for valuable information. This being the case, a writer should know their readers and what they want. As a result, when writing the content, ask yourself the following questions. If you are able to justify then it should be all right.

  • Will this content create connectivity with the audience?
  • Will they find it interesting?
  • Will they remember this for being informative?
  • Are the points being made easy to understand?
  • Will they share it with others?

Ideation and research – Settle on stories that are popular with your target audience.

Know your market – Segment your market. The key for maintaining an increasing sales growth is to reach the potential buyers with a targeted market at the right time. So, think about where your audience is, where they are located, when they can be found online etc. Most importantly, stick to the rule. Story of a breaking or trending news should be published as soon as possible.

Focus your audience

Focus your audience

2) A killer headline

 Set the tone for your content and don’t forget to make it compelling. Create a killer headline that is irresistible and ingenious. This is because, it makes an outstanding first impression and gets your article read, however, incorporate some effective SEO strategies to it like keyword centric title, highlighting features or offers if any.

A killer headline

A killer headline

3) Stay on top of trends

 Following your industry’s pulse is what helps you create content that is popular and newsworthy.   Track recent developments, events and create content about that to reach the target audience. This will gain you much-needed familiarity and in turn, helps in creating compelling articles. Having said that, commit to memory that publishing an article at the wrong timing is an insensitive thing and the worst part is that your connectivity with the target audience will not be that much rewarding too. So, always stay on top of trends.

Effective Copywriting

Growth In Environment-trend

4) Scale up with social media

Social media helps you to create a strong support system and connect with experts on the subject of your content. This connectivity allows you to engage with other experts, thereby you can get their suggestions, comments and this would ultimately result in sharing your content. Making a connection and engaging with members having similar interests of your industry is a great way to generate new connections and develop your following.

Scale up with social media

Scale up with social media

Final thoughts

At the end of the day, it is all about creating a top-notch piece of article, so make sure the written content is thoughtful and relevant. Call into action an advanced level of SEO skills and make use of Social Media the right way because it can make or break your business. Stay tuned to our blog to get in-depth ideas about the process of editorial content production and SEO.

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