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Updating content on homepage good or bad strategy:

Most of the experts believe constant updating of contents to a site is good for search engines. I believe the same too. But what about homepage of a site? Home is the gateway for a site for many search engines. Mostly people tend to link to homepage and if you are in SEO you will get maximum links to homepage. For search engines homepage is very important so what’s the expert opinion on updating contents on homepage. Well in my point of view I have seen sites doing very well with a static homepage and there are sites doing very well with a dynamic homepage. I feel its mostly relative to the Business you are in and they type of site you project to Search engines.

Search engines like pages where contents are updated constantly so its better to have a page where contents are updated regularly. I know one famous site which turned to a blog started ranking well than it was before. It was a completely static site especially homepage but now that it’s a blog the guy constantly adds contents and I feel search engines started liking his site because of this. My recommendation have a section atleast on your homepage that changes dynamically something like an Rss feed will do. But most RSS feeds are duplicated better to have unique information.

Have dynamic homepage search engines will like it better than a static homepage.

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