Matt Cutts WordCamp Transcript Part-3

This is the site . This is the site this is pretty cool Its the University of California ( San Francisco ) and they have a site about HIV.


Ok Now what is this, Oh my god we are on the Homepage and this is on the homepage ” Recommendations for Use of Anti-retroviral drugs in pregnant HIV 1 infected women for maternal health and interventions to reduce perinatal HIV-1 transmission in United states”. I don’t know what it is, is this a technically good paper I have No idea what the hell this paper is about its an editor’s pick someone has selected this paper for some reason. This looks something about swine flu if I need to know something about swine flu, its telling me. I don’t know how to translate into regular English, I translate into regular English. For example, I have seen the queries that people type, this is not the sort of keywords that people type in Google. So what they type in? I just tested positive now what?

God do I have AIDS, am I infected with aids I don’t know. So think about that, think about what are the things people search for, think about things that people will look out for. Interestingly this site had a section called basics and if you click on Basics these were the things that you saw.

That should have been on the front page right? Its obvious to us but sometimes your own site can be like that. Ohh i got great content this is fantastic stuff but the regular person is like what the hell are you typing I don’t even understand this, is this English I think its English so you can get a lot of feedback by just showing to your friends or colleagues etc. The person can look at your site and say Ok cool, there is an other tool that you can use I think Tim already mentioned it, thanks for stealing my thunder dude, cool well it’s pretty nice. It’s called the Google keyword tool or Adwords keywords suggestion tool if you search on Google for Keyword tool its the No.1 result.


Not that we hardcoded it but its just that way it ranks naturally. So let’s see, they sell ipod car conversion kits. Its pretty cool their main trophy phrase if you look at their title its Ipod car. I went to Google keyword tool and i typed in ipod car and i said show me keywords related to ipod car and you guys ever heard of this itrip thing its like a transmitter thing its like the 30$ thing not the 400$ thing they sell. But they trophy phrase shows 550,000 searches a month, people search for itrip 246,000 times. So here is the keyword where people are looking for imformation related to ipod cars and car and you are just ignoring them. I tried itrip and I cannot find the word itrip on a single page anywhere on their website. So if you don’t have that word on that site it’s very hard for the search engines to return that site sometimes there are instances where someone types in automobile and we will return your page if it’s about a car we can do that little bit but if you don’t have the word itrip anywhere on your site, you are probably not going to rank for that keyword itrip.

It seems that these guys had content related to itrip it seems they had an itrip training program its like if you send in your 20$ itrip training details and you get 10% off your 400$ ipod kit so in this middle this guy edited his page and by the time it was with site review panel it had itrip all over the front page and in title so he started to get more traffic already. So think about the niches the keywords you will be targeting and bring them on the page. Ok I don’t want to get too technical, let me ask this how technical people here want to get ok cool that’s a good response, me i get a little bored my eyes are gazing here is one thing i recommend, i like to do a custom structure on my URLs

See this example


If you blog has p=123 you get an advantage of using postname. Google looks at a lot of different things we look over 200 things PageRank is just one of them when ever we rank this. Other things we use things in the title, things in the URL, even things that are highlighted, things like H1 tags, bold tags and stuff like that. So if you are blog has p=123 you are massively missing out an oppurtunity to put a few keywords not keyword stuffing just a few keywords in your URL. Like this blog/date/sample-post.

If you want to put the date you are free to do it but make sure you put the title properly and the keywords in URLs. Here is how it’s said notice something interesting I did a post where I highlight all completely dominating keywords like changing the default printer for Linux and Firefox. It’s my world its mine :-). Do it make sure you have a good description title ” changing the default printer and Firefox ” notice that I changed the URL as well in title I had changing and in URL I had change right. So here you can see we use 2 different keywords sometimes we have people search using the word change and sometimes we use the word changing and this is not spam I am not throwing in a ton of relevant keywords, I am not even throwing in a lot of keywords I am just throwing in one or 2 variants that people might type no one will look at this post and say oh my god the title is little different than the URL

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Matt Cutts WordCamp Transcript Part-2

Now I am always worried to talk about PageRank because a lot of people as soon as they hear the word Backlinks. They start I need Backlinks, I need a lot of Backlinks, I need 1000s of Backlinks from 1000s of places and this is what I literally see a lot of time on the web this person will start to have something call BO ( Backlink Obsession ) . You don’t want to have this BO that is Backlink obsession. This guy says I got 297 Backlinks from 1 PR 7 site, 25, PR 6 sites , 151 PR 4 or PR 5 sites but this guy has only 59 links and he ranks higher (No no no) this is wrong this is unfair and they shout like hell.


Who don’t get to this level of details think about only very high level you want to know that people have to know about you and people have to consider you reputable. Search engine optimization you can spend a N bit of time to worry about but here is the 50,000$ point. There is a lot of difference between relevant and reputable.










Lets imagine Mathew here he got a pretty reputable blog, a pretty high blog he got good PageRank he beats me hmmmmmm. I hate it, it’s like he is the No.1 man and I am the No.8 like something you can tweak it to make it better no you can’t tweak it (Dilemma). So he is the No.1 man he got a ton of PageRank. Imagine you are searching for a random thing say a medical condition. It may just have a word mention “tension distress disorder” just passing like a joke. Yeah I got in this conference I didn’t spend a lot of time yeah but you know that’s good time. That’s reputable you know his blog is reputable but not relevant. He has high PageRank but the site is not relevant so what you see on the web is reputable is what people say about you what people link to you. You want to be both you want to be on topic and you also want to be reputable. So we don’t want to mention web pages just randomly mention about some hazard so let’s talk lets more to the middle chunk of this, how do I be relevant how do I be reputable.

Relevance is stuff on your page what you write including the mechanics of how you write. Jim did nail this if you do not love something don’t write about it. Lift is short 🙂 ;. Google way launched couple of days ago like this new technique that has come that is the Google wave thing, and there are so many articles I saw where the guy is like will Google wave take over the world I don’t know let’s see how it goes. LOL that’s literally 2 sentences nothing in it and then he just copies a press release 4 paragraphs and pasts it. No one wants to read about it its boring you need to write something that you care about, that you love to write whether is cats, whether its Linux, whether is open government, whether its current, Google, whether its search engine optimization you have to talk about something that you care about.

If you are not doing that you are not going to do a good job and so one that I say is write often, write regularly if you write often and if you write well of things that you really care about you will get a lot of practice writing and you are going to write really good stuff. Ok Keywords; let’s do a little exercise matt said. Matt mullenbeg said the theme of this camp is to getting to know your neighbour. Here is a simple exercise to get to know your neighbor. I am holding in my hand a little device, you should know that already. We stick them into a computer you store things. May be put a presentation on this and you give it to a friend and she uses it in her computer, may be you proof read it and take it from a computer, may be put pictures on it may be mom sent you one you have all seen it right. This is not the only technology. Think in your head if you want to go to Google and want to know what this is a simple search query. What is this device? what is this object? Ok I got to Google, I want to buy one of these attractive one wow looks nice. Now turn to the person next to you and just share what you would search for in Google and what will I search for in Google?

Ok, Ok Cool now you get to know your neighbour a little bit so let’s see here what did you type into Google to find this. Flash Drive; USB drive; some drive? what else what I have not said retractable drive right? So you think this is a USB drive and your neightbour thinks No No this is a thumb drive and the person on your right thinks no no this is a flash drive and somebody might not even use the word drive so think about it, if you are a blogger think about all the possible ways someone describes something think about things naturally fit that in your post, I am not talking would you like to have a thumb drive, a thumb drive is good, it’s great to have a thumb drive that you are good No. We will see that later on as we continue to talk, instead think about ways to put the words naturally in your blog content. E.g. Hey here is a flash drive, I was once using this one thumb drive it was really cool USB. I have used most of my important keywords in couple of sentences and it still sounds natural you don’t have to stuff it you don’t have to be way un-natural there is another thing that is jogging mis-match a lot of time if you are in a particular industry you are thinking about you are going to use what the words your users are going to use not the regular words a regular user will go on to say so for example earlier today or earlier this week we were doing a site with you and we were giving SEO advice to people who had sites.



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Matt Cutts WordCamp Transcript Part-1

One of the person here asked me hey what plugins do you use. So here it is these are the plugins that I use infact all the plugins I use.


That’s how good wordpress is you don’t need to modify it that much that is how wordpress is already built in. Akismet already built in. Cookies for comments sharon from Ireland he does an amazing job of preventing spam basically it sets a cookie and if a spammer posts and if they don’t have that cookie you here you are a bot or they will just post directly so I hesitate to tell people about this because it’s so useful that if everyone starts using it the spammers will adapt but you guys are cool so cookiesforcomments I highly recommend it, enforce www.preference all these you don’t even have to explain it says look at that if you have or you don’t have to worry that your domain is split in or so this sort of stuff is fantastic.

Feedburner I like to use and wordpress super cache is a great plugin so the beauty of wordpress is you don’t need to do a lot of stuff but before we know how to rank higher in Google we need to know a little bit how Google works and it’s not that complicated we crawl roughly in the order of PageRank that means the more PageRank you have the faster you are likely to be found and more deeply we crawl your site and more often we visit your pages if they have been refreshed.


Ok PageRank magic green juice how do we get PageRank. First what is PageRank anybody wants to tell me, it is named after Larry Page. Larry Page and Sergey brin co-founders of Google cool. Ok what is PageRank? It’s not that secret it’s not that secret of sauce. We can just walk through a very simple Eigen vector its simple. Its simplify itself, similar value decomposition. PageRank is easy to understand.


I hope you don’t mind on a saturday morning talk about maths ok well let’s move on. PageRank has a standard and powerful meaning.It’s the number of people that link to you and how important those links are.One of my favorite example, say you have a buddy in college you have a blog and he has a blog suppose you have 10 comments or 10 links pointing to your blog and your buddy has 20 links pointing to his blog who has more PageRank? He got 20 links you only got 10? But what if your links are from Nytimes, LA times,, BBC and his 20 links are all from his colleagues in college? So PageRank is not just about getting lot of links, hey please give me more links, give me lot of links. No; so it is how quality the links are so having high quality content matters more and will attract lot of quality links. I promise i won’t get any more technical than this, i will walkthrough it very quickly but it is not bad as it looks.


Looks at this PageRank image here these are links coming into one page, one level (PageRank is by page). Look at this these are out looks so if you have a blog and your homepage of the blog is a PageRank 9, let’s say a 9 in abstract sense you link out with 3 links and the 9 gets divided by 3 and goes on 3 different links. That’s the basic idea behind PageRank if you look at the top image this guy has a PageRank of 100 (this guy has a lot of PageRank ) and he got 2 out links. So you take 100 and divide it by 2 because you got 2 out links and 50 goes in each one of them. That’s literally the idea behind PageRank it’s that simple. Now in practice if you have PageRank and if it has a loop it will go in a cyle for on and on and on. Mathematically speaking it will go on a infinite loop. So to avoid this infinite there is a small amount of adjustment to PageRank. A small amount of PageRank evaporates a small amount of decay everytime it goes in a loop. But that’s literally what PageRank is about it’s the number of links that are pointing to you and how important those links are.

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Matt Cutts WordCamp Transcript

I was going to ask how many power bloggers there are but I think there are few power bloggers, how many people are relatively new bloggers, your 1st Wordcamp etc. There is a good reason why you might care what I have to say which is I am the head of web spam or anti-web spam team at Google so 90% of the WordPress blogs I see looks like these, they didn’t even change the base templates.










 Most of the spam that I see looks like this wordpress is such a powerful tool even the spammers use it too so I have seen a lot of really bad blogs also seen a lot of Google sites and I want to give you some tips on what might need if you want to be crawled by Google.

First off though let me ask you why do you blog? To be read what you get out of it? Tim was talking about this before I get access, I never thought about this before I made this list and I want to update this from the back stage. Oh yeah you want something out of blogging


Fame, Access, Attention, Money, Rankings etc. I want something great but not everyone wants something from blogging some people are doing it for fun and if you are doing it for fun you need to be creative right I fully support you to post about cat pictures. Yeah anybody posting? Rock on right? I do it; this is emmy, my cat emmy this picture is what lead me to adopt emmy because she is so cute, ever since she was a kid she likes to lie down on things she was grumpy when I got up I didn’t lift her but she was ready to be crouched like a crawler bear so all she wants to do is lie on so look at her, it’s ok to cat blog infact we have 2 blogs and both like to be perched on me and infact when I was blogging both cats want to be perched on me.










So if you are a cat blogger if you want to keep up with your family you want to write about cats congrats yours happy, you’ve won you don’t need me you don’t need advice from anybody.Whatever you want to do you are doing it but most people want something from their blog, the No.1 request I hear is ” I want to do better in Google” so if you are a cat blogger if you just post power to you but the rest of this session we will see how to do better in Google.

Now this is kind of a raw statement. WordPress takes care of 80-90% of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) when I say that what I mean is the mechanics of search engine optimization. And by that we talk about how crawlable a website is you will see that how many big old sites through up a big flash or block a page in robots.txt file which we can’t even crawl it. So by using wordpress you have already taken a big step, WordPress is a fantastic piece of software but you can do a few things that you can do to optimize it so I know it’s great.

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