Creating background using Shadow Effect , 19 August, 2008

1. Create a new text layer.
Create a new file in Photoshop with image size as 200 x 200.Choose foreground
colour as '993399'. Select the horizontal type tool ,choose font values palatino type,
bold,40 pt and sharp.A new layer 'Welcome' will be created.

2. Select the layer style .
Select the layer 'Welcome'.Click on 'Layer Style'. Choose the option 'Drop Shadow'.

3. Apply values for 'Drop Shadow' Layer Style
Change the following values : Color value : 990000,Opacity=75%, Spread=1%,
Size=59px, Noise=100%

The background changes as follows.

4. The final output.
Change the value for size as 200 px.


posted by Treesa @ 12:37 AM permanent link   |

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