Yahoo Directory Inclusion


Yahoo directory is an important directory used by 1000s of visitors everyday, A listing in yahoo directory is very useful to send targeted traffic as well as very good exposure to visiting search engines, Yahoo charges an amount of 299$ per year for listing in their directory, This is what they say on their site about express inclusion in yahoo directory, For web sites that do not feature adult content or services, the Yahoo! Express service costs US$299 (nonrefundable) for each Directory listing that is submitted. Furthermore, for each listing accepted into the Directory, there is a recurring annual fee of US$299 to maintain the listing in the Directory for the subsequent year.


Display Pagerank On your website Add the following code on your website it will look like this : pagerank search engine optimization . It is great for your visitors they will definetely like to know your pagerank.

You can paste the above code on any type of site whether its a blog or a template, Paste the code on as many pages as possible to display pagerank of all the pages.

Thank you,



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