Copywriting is the term used in Writing of advertising or publicity copy.

Copywriting has a lot of importance in both the traditional media and the electronic media. Copywriting is generally used to grab attention, build interest, create interest and bring people to action.

The Internet is a huge place with billions of individual pages of information. It is the search engines that ensure that targeted traffic comes to your site. The contents of the site thus play a major role in bringing traffic to your site. This is where SEO copywriting comes into action. SEO is an expansion for the phrase Search Engine Optimization, This is the process of optimizing a site for search engines so that the site ranks high and it brings targeted traffic to the ranking site,

SEO copywriting or Search Engine (Optimization) copywriting is writing or re-writing text on the web page in such a manner that it ranks highly with search properties with your targeted keyword phrases. This means that the text on the website page is either written or rewritten in such a manner that it continues to appeal to the site surfer while being compatible to the Search Engines. Search Engines see keyword distribution and keyword prominence to return the document relevant to the query performed by the end user. Writing a good keyword rich copy is very good for search engines. Good SEO copywriting ensures that your site gets highly qualified focused traffic that leads to higher conversions. But you should remember SEO copywriting is not everything for a search engine. Search Engine Copywriting is the first step in all important search engine optimization process,


In SEO copywriting care should be taken to see that the text on your site is put forward in such a way that it becomes search engine friendly while remaining appealing to the surfer. The content should also be very relevant to the site. But the main objective is that the search engines rank your site highly. Keywords relevant to your site are optimized so that your site ranks high when search engines crawl your site. This will direct targeted traffic to your site, ensuring that they are provided with the specific information and hence increase sales for you.


Search engines helps in site optimization in the following ways

  • Uses specific keywords to make your site rank highly
  • Brings targeted traffic to the site
  • Increases sales
  • Very useful as a long term strategy

It is important to understand that SEO copywriting does not mean inserting several hi-fi words. This may actually defeat the purpose of copywriting, which is to make the site user friendly. Ultimately what counts is the conversion rate.

SEO Copywriting services from search engine genie include modifying your site, headings, HTML text, layout, design and even images where needed. Though there are no hard and fast rules for SEO copywriting, these are some commonly followed practices.



SEO copywriting aims at making the site rank high in all search engines. Hence the selection of keywords is very important. In fact keyword research is the most important part in SEO copywriting process. Keyword Phrase Research is a process of selecting the most optimum performance quality keyword phrases that can help visitors find your site. It is advisable to do keyword research by using tools like Wordtracker and Overture - Search Term Suggestion Tools. Other search engines like Google also offer some tools

While doing keyword research, it is important to adopt a very focused approach. It must be kept in mind that people look for very specific information and hence the keywords must also be very specific.

Another thing to be kept in mind is that it is always better to use “keyword phrases” than keywords. For instance, if your keyword is real- estate it is better to use phrases like real-estate investment or real-estate investments. It is good to use both the singular and plural versions of the keywords where necessary.

It is also better to use keywords that are popular but not very competitive.
Since copywriting is intended for site optimization also, it is most effective when the keywords are spread throughout the entire page rather than just being concentrated at the beginning of the page or page heading.




In any media it is the heading, which catches your attention. That is why catchy titles are paid a lot of attention. Search Engine Copywriting is no exception. The only difference being that in SEO copywriting what matters is that the heading contains the keywords. This will give the surfer an idea of what the site is all about. Moreover, the search engines give more importance to text contained in the heading formats. Hence make sure that the key words are placed in the HTML header codes <H1> and <H2>.

The text length on a particular page is also relevant. The ideal length is considered to be around 500 words. Only then can the keyword relevance be understood. All search engines do not read through the entire page; so care should be taken to place the important keywords at the beginning of the page.




Meta tags are not directly connected with the end user. These are used so that the search engines crawling your site are able to index the site accurately. Using Meta tags also give you the ability to control the description of its web pages. However due to the widespread abuse of Meta tags it is not as effective as it was before.

There are several kinds of Meta tags.

The more important ones are as follows:


a) Title Tag
Title tag is not a Meta tag. The Title Tag is an HTML code that shows the words that appear at the top title bar of your browser. Title tags play a vital role in your site’s rankings. It is these words or phrases that appear as the title of your page in the hyperlink listings on the search engine results. Hence a lot of importance is to be given to the creation of title tags.

Only the most relevant and specific keywords are to be included in the title tag. These keywords should at the same time describe the contents of the page aptly. The title page can be compared to a well-worded sales phrase and hence only the most relevant and specific keywords should be used.


b) Meta description tag
This gives a short and concise summary of your website page. It is mostly these words that are placed in SERP just below the title tag to give a brief description of your page. Ensure that the Meta description tag is brief but with all the keywords included and also that it is different and customized for each page.


c) Meta Keywords Tag
The Meta keywords tag should have a maximum of 15 non-repetitive, competent keywords. This is sure to help you get your site ranked among the top sites for the relevant keywords.


D) Body Tag
Body tag is the important part of an Html Document, Text added inside the tags like
<p>, <h1>, <h2>, <embedded>, <noscript> <td> are visible to the end users, What ever text in these tags should be appealing to both the Users as well as the search engines, Search Engines consider the keywords in these tags important, Good copywriting ensures these places have good contents


You might have a great product, service and a site that is very well written. A great copywriter might have copy written the site for you. However you might not be able to achieve the results that you were looking forward to. This goes to emphasize the fact that search engine optimization is not entirely in the hands of any SEO copywriter. A good copywriter is someone who writes good copies, Search engines keep changing their algorithms to keep up with the spamming tactics that Some of the SEO companies use from time to time. So they don’t see all phrases these days, Most of the search engines have moved to semantic analysis of the visible text document, Modern day Search engine copywriting is not just about adding phrases of keywords in the text, It is all about writing perfectly for modern day search engines, They relate a document by the meaning of the words on the document, Adding singular keywords, plural keywords, synonyms and other related keywords are very important for an effective SEO copy written document,


This does not however mean that copywriting is something that is very difficult and cannot be done by you. You can do the copywriting yourself but having it done by a professional SEO company adds that much of professionalism to the site. An important thing that must be kept in mind while doing search engine copywriting is the audience that is being targeted. The contents must be written or rewritten specifically for them.


When all these factors are kept in mind, your site is sure to rank highly in the major search engines. But as written earlier there are no guarantees when it comes to the business of search engine optimization. SEO copywriting ensures it makes your copy read well on the view of a search engine Getting your site done by a professional SEO company is one of the best ways to see that your site gets ranked highly in the major search engines.


Search engine Genie is Professional SEM/SEM company offering Seo services for big to small companies, If you need professional SEO services or professional SEO copywriting contact us Search Engine Genie Support Desk,


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