*/ //if(isset($_POST['code'])){ //$text = isset($_SESSION[CAPTCHA_SESSION_KEY])? $_SESSION[CAPTCHA_SESSION_KEY] : NULL; //if(!$p =trim($_POST['code'])){ //$MESSAGE = '
Error: no code submited!!
'; //} //else if(!checkCaptchaCode($p)){ //$MESSAGE = '
Error: Invalid code submited!!
YOUR CODE : "'.htmlentities(stripslashes($p)).'"
Code: "'.htmlentities(stripslashes($text)).'"
' ; //} //else{ //$MESSAGE = 'Correct!!!
CODE: "'.stripslashes($_POST['code']).'"'; $foo = array(1 => "Name","Email","Phone","City","State","Zipcode","country","Comments"); $val = array(1 => $Name,$Email,$Phone,$City,$State,$Zipcode,$country,$Comments); // if (($Name == "") && ($Email == "")) //{ // echo "Please enter your name to submit your information
"; // echo "Please enter your Email id to submit your information
"; //} //if (($Name == "") && ($Email != "")) //{ // echo "Please enter your Name to submit your information
"; //} //if (($Name !="") && ($Email == "")) //{ // echo "Please enter your Email id to submit your information
"; //} if (($Name != "") && ($Email != "")) { $to = "webpromotions@gmail.com"; //$to = "kristinarekha@gmail.com"; $subject="Search Engine Genie Contact Us Information"; $mailbody= "CONTACT US FORM INFORMATION \n"; for ($i=1;$i<=count($foo);$i++) { //echo $item, "\n"; //echo $HTTP_POST_VARS[$i]; $mailbody .= '
'; $mailbody .= $foo[$i]; $mailbody .= " : ".$val[$i]; //$i++; } //echo $mailbody; /* To send HTML mail, you can set the Content-type header. */ $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; /* additional headers */ $headers .= "To: SITEOWNER\r\n"; //$headers .= "To: SITEOWNER\r\n"; $headers .= "From:" . $Email; /* and now mail it */ mail($to,$subject,$mailbody,$headers); $MESS = '
Thank you for entering your information
'; $msg=''; } ?> Top ranking with Yahoo Store website


Top ranking with Yahoo Store website

A Yahoo! Store website is an e-commerce platform in which an online business person is able to sell his products through a secure and dependable shopping cart system. Yahoo Store is a service provided by Yahoo to its customers to create online stores. This service is an excellent marketing tool for all those who are involved in selling goods and/or services. Some of its salient features include: Designing the site, creating a product catalog, providing customer service and product promotion.

Yahoo stores help those who use this service to obtain high rankings in search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN and AOL.

Yahoo Stores is an exceptional aid that provides a variety of solutions to promote online sales. The entire content of the site is modified into a more qualitative data as content is the only tool that connects search words to a site. The site is well-structured to facilitate the search engine Robot to find the site easily once a search word relating to the site is entered. Yahoo Stores is designed to help search engines make the site more visible and to stand out and stay ahead of their competitors.

People are impatient and want the search engine to find exactly what they want. So, you must provide the search engines what they need so that the search engines list your site first.

As you may be aware, a standard Yahoo store does not put any keywords on the item pages. There are two ways to overcome this shortcoming. You can change the RTML templates so that it picks up the keywords that are written in the Variables Section of Yahoo store OR more preferably write very specific keywords for each and every page of the website. This may entail lot of work that is annoying but it will also be rewarding.

Next, the search engines will study the Title Tag of the web pages to examine the nature of the items. You should therefore use apt descriptive name for each of the items and include one keyword that people will use to find the item. You should also bear in mind that a search engine can not read images. You will have to necessarily go into your RTML templates and change images to text.

Provide accurate product descriptions in the content to your page so that the search engines understand what your page is about. If only you add a description that is perfectly written and rich in keywords, you are bound to get listed higher in the search engines.

It is of paramount importance that you provide links that lead to the rest of the pages in your website. You must also ensure your website is easy to spider. These may appear as small steps but every little step you take will greatly improve your Yahoo Store SEO

Everybody is clamoring to attract more traffic as increased traffic will lead to higher sales. If the traffic to your website is poor, then obviously you remain unknown or less known and nobody will buy from you.

Therefore it is imperative that you should fully optimize your website for the search engines. Advertising may be purposeful but it will be even more rewarding to be listed in the top ten of search engines.

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