Google Webmaster Central Live Chat: Full Audio transcript: 11,000 PLUS WORDs.


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Once you have got that make sure to make it a little more sensible think about adding great content which can in turn attract great links which in turn gives great pagerank. Make sure you keep doing you will get what we call a web effect like turning and tweaking you know where links come into one page and from the architecture goes to an other page and the pagerank flows well over your pages. So you don’t have to worry too much once you have link on the front page pagerank flows and its going to flow to any URL that is listed here. There is no need to worry which page or which link you pass the pagerank what ever page it is there will get its pagerank there is nothing to worry about that. Most of the time if you do have reasonable site architecture then there is nothing to worry about you need to think about how you create a site. If you do have a good reasonable architecture you need to spend your time thinking how do we add more content and how we attract more good links ok with that I really think I need to head out if you have more questions feel free to ask in groups we will be pleased to help you out.


One thing we saw more often is this question asked in Google Groups and Online webmaster chat is that this person Amit agarwal asks that he sees sites I have seen aggregators like, social sites like Digg and even splogs rank above in Google than the actual webpage. Can we prevent this?


For Google a splog is a spammy blog. I don’t think you will know what a splog is,


A splog is the nickname for sites that essentially steal contents from the original website and claim it to be themselves trying to get high ranking themselves to get money from advertising. So what we have seen on this is that there is a flag, the site goes affected negatively often time violating our webmaster guidelines in so many ways. So we de-prioritize in favor of other sites we also have seen some times that rarely, rarely that other splogs will rank higher under dig you can aggregate the blog to be popular its certainly possible that for a temporary amount of time they can rank higher than your site for a given content. The tendency of these aggregators they tend to offer the page natural buoyancy and that should be one of the short time considerations.


I’ll see what other questions we have.


All we have actually is a couple of minutes then we are going to be kicked out of the room from here. Other questions you guys have seen that you guys would like to tackle

I can see you were talking about splogs that someone else were doing better than your site with contents stolen from your site violating the webmaster guidelines you can actually go on to report that. Very best way to report that is you can login to webmaster tools and just click report Google. We also have a spam report form where you don’t have to login to webmaster tools but to say if you are logged in you will have more effect in reports and they are always prioritized. Yeah if you see some one really violating the guidelines you don’t really want to help them.

asked me whether we want to know we are penalized or not-penalized in webmaster tools it will be much appreciated.


We definitely want to share more and more information to webmasters however I have to be frank with you is that we need to keep a delicate balance and sometimes it’s a bit frustrating thing for us, there are still a huge number of webmasters none of you guys from chat of course that has intention of spamming versus quality contents and so we do ask folks to give out too much information too quickly that will help folks ohh they caught me now lets see if they catch me now and try push things that wide so that they can be more effective in spamming. With that said thought we are showing a good number of penalties in webmaster tools along with warnings on various problems a site might have like the robots.txt for instance.


Yeah I just want to say to in general we have a lot of questions left over here but we were able to solve a lot of questions like on duplicate contents, image questions had people if they have problems in image search, so we do want you to do good in searches whether its local or global, there are lot of information out there so we did our best and will do our best in future.

Thanks its time to wind up its ½ past 10 here. It has been a great thing sharing our thoughts with you; we look forward to seeing you guys in future and look forward to seeing you guys in groups.

Thanks Everyone from Google, Thank you Google.


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