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You have ecologists who help installing them, there are also suppose of people who bought there mother a rain barrel and that’s the photo on the middle list and Mother’s day coming up and we can have photo saying that as Mother’s day gift. Alright that is where the screen is where you can see the image is showing for you so how do we go about understanding images. Ok here are the whole factors not in order of priority. We actually have content based signals compare when we are doing the safesearch. Think of what we can extract within the image. We can extract cover, texture, external layout there are something you can get about an image. Of course we all know its not the easy information to be added to the image like the headings. Another big factor is the quality of the image talking about the pixels if your images are really stretched out I don’t want that image to be in image search people will have hard time understanding what is featured in that image.


Another big factor is the quality of the site, if you also want the image to indexed in image search it’s going to fairly difficult if you don’t have the URLs that references to that image indexed in web search. The quality of the site plays a big part in how we understand the image, the important factors includes factors such as image attributes, alt tags and the image file name. The main thing I like to say even if it’s in the bottom of the page is stop hot linking. Googlebot will try to understand the domain referred to the image or if the image is outside. Actually if you go to the bottom and take a look at the sitemap left side you see ill visit example everything looks great in this page lets work together, people working together I don’t think anything wrong with it. Say if I were actually the webmaster I don’t feel bad. Say lets just pull up the source of the page I notice the image is not from this server but is hot linked that image on is referencing an image that is on this is no big deal for the webmaster of the site I am not going to blame that webmaster of, I am photographer, I invest money to buy photography equipment, I use models, I use models on casting that I am working on I don’t want example .com to take the best of this image and taking away my traffic and the users and even I don’t want them to use my resources for this hot linking from their site. To fight this you need to take a strong effort for stop this you can setup this configured on you server where you can actually stop hot linking. That’s not a difficult thing to do. You can keep the stop the hot linking through the configuration.


But there are other issues in this hot linking. Just to give an example actually helps hot link I guess to link to so its pretty different throughout the web on the social convention about this so its going to be difficult. With all this in mind let’s talk about the website that you guys have, how to make a website that is Google friendly for images.

First and foremost it’s always important to make the images more accessible so looking forward to your coding I had it covered in tab prefix this is a computer site very difficult to understand on the top like love but the first line that is very acceptable and search engine friendly for us. See the bottom of the screenshot there are some URLs and recently put all the images inside this flash slide show and created a multi slide show for us. So I will come out with a little mock up how this is going to be search engine friendly and how this can be better in the future. We actually need some of those files may be a favor to all of them and need to create a set of static links so I can actually limit the photos and actually list on that page I could add some headings and also ill add things which I need to make it relevant like sun glasses which helps us to protect us from the sun.


This will help us understand an image, crawl an image and see for people for the accessibility issues with the screen viewer actually make it lot original to the site to make people to view. Additionally you can still include size if you wanted to but its URL connected to the bottom but need to scroll a lot since it’s a slide show. So you can do both of these First to all webmasters these are things you go to be concerned about, because if you are webmaster if you want to include the same image with a copy profile as well as to your slide show you can do with you pagerank. For Google it’s the most ideal thing but obviously but its important that even if you have a slide show you need to have static links to images and add to pages with high pagerank. I will put links to both the static URLs as well as the slide show so that way you will spread your pagerank to different source of images. So more about accessibility so to keep things for people etc looks like we did a lot of analysis today. There are some other things but we covered most important things as well. But image quality matters big thing don’t have your images embedded in JavaScript because we have section where we separate high quality image from regular ones. You can’t do the same thing to your images but you could do small modifications to the JavaScript it’s a really simply change what you could do is create some simple link to the images. Beyond accessibility there are other things. Let’s look at organization of the images one thing that’s important is that separating your adult content from the family friendly images. Imagine you are at home LOL, you need to have a directory section and sort images it will be good for safesearch people don’t have to use safe search if the images are sorted out properly when indexed by Googlebot. It’s good to have regular expressions which will separate adult images from family friendly its good to have two different directories.

Great, this is what we all want to talk about descriptive alt text, descriptive image names, One thing I noticed now is a lot of Googlers search for file names. So it will be good if have descriptive alt tags and file names for accessibility it’s going to be really nice. Say you have a car site you add a file name to the car picture as well as descriptive alt tags to the car picture. The one that we thought from your site is that you could add a more descriptive filename there you can make it like car-name.jpg. Last name of course is the search name makes it default just make it sound right I don’t want to spend 10 minutes on this.


So don’t just avoid don’t forget to put up the alt text it will be a bad idea to stuff keywords, like ford car, bmw car, benz etc. That’s actually so bad and it’s a violation of our guidelines. So this is the point googlebot likes content so keep this in your agenda to add relevant content. Making it look like an impressive site the search for barrel irrigation actually showed up that. I am not sure you are going to always search for rain barrel irrigation photos. Don’t make the images big and wide and it became indexed in image search because it’s all in content of your site and its descriptive it’s actually highlighted here that the photo came from that URL and actually in the text you can read that we are offering you a cheap selling rain barrel. I don’t know what I am saying anyway make sure to optimize your site and make sure to put on the relevant text there which is about the image / product itself..




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