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Instant Results In Google Product Search

Google has announced that they have added Google Instant to Google Shopping Search view within the web results.

If you are on, search for a product and then sift your search on the left hand side by “Shopping”, Google Instant will permit you to search for new products. This feature is still not added in Google Product Search home page.

Google Product Search

Google said, “Now you can shop faster than ever and get the speed of Google Instant when comparing prices, looking for nearby stores and learning about products you desire to buy.”

With Instant Search, Google uses the wealth of data it possesses to guess what users will want to see and serve the results accordingly. With each character that a user types, Google vigorously updates the search results page–including organic, shopping and sponsored links.

With Google Instant Search, a likely scenario is that the user will type a few characters and wait for the results. As users type a few more characters, new results will automatically exhibit on the search page. Before typing the whole phrase, there is a good chance that the users will see something that catches their eyes and click to the sites. The user’s concentration will likely be focused in the first few listings around the search box as they persist to type. And, there is a higher degree of likelihood that they will not finish typing their long phrase and make it to the listings that are a straight match for their original intended search.

This scenario presents challenges for the normal small site owners or people doing their own search engine optimization work. Click-throughs will tilt more heavily toward those who have the top few positions in paid and organic, and could profit those who have a lock on the more generic terms, which often times are larger brands.

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