Facebook PPC Marketing

Facebook allows us to target people with unique interest. The advertisements on Facebook don’t work just with a search. For this we have a solution of exploding their interest based on their personal likes and the demographic factors. When you start a campaign you should understand that only a few percentages will bring in leads. Constant tweaking is the only way.

Facebook Marketing

Use of Ad’s In Facebook

To make your advertisements effective, here are some points listed below for you to run through:


A picture speaks louder than words and it is worth about 1000 of clicks. An image is the first thing that a person looks at, so as on the Facebook and it has the vital role in the Facebook advertisement. The permitted size of images for Facebook advertisements is only 110*80 pixels. It is a bit hard to display an image jutted on because of the color combination (blue /white) and so, brighter and bolder colors are required to blend off with the color scheme of Facebook.


Speaking succinctly has never been important and even the brief advertisements work better.90 characters are allowed in the body of the advertisement and corroborate on benefit-focused and clear content.

Keep in mind that advertising on a social network leads to deliver best results!!

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