Landing page optimization in Search Engine Optimization

Landing page optimization in Search Engine Optimization (LPO), also identified as webpage optimization, is an Internet market method with the aim of humanizing a guest’s acuity of a website. A landing page optimization is a webpage that appear when a latent client clicks on an ad or a search engine result linkage. This webpage will typically show content that is a logical extension of the poster or else link. Landing Page Optimization aims to give page content and manifestation that make the webpage more tempting to target audience.

Landing Page Optimization Bases

There are three main types of Landing Page Optimization based on targeting:

  1. Rule-based optimization – The page content is customized based on information obtain about the guest’s search criterion, geographic data’s of basis traffic, or else other identified generic constraint that can be use for overt non research based customer segmentation.
  2. Active Targeting – The page content is attuned by correlating some known data’s concerning the guest to expect future events based on prognostic analytics.
  3. Social Targeting – The page content is fashioned using the application of publicly available data’s through a system based on tagging, referrals reviews, ratings etc.

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