Well I haven't talked about Yahoo's PPC program Yahoo search marketing for a long time. It's not that I want to ignore it but I feel there isn't much happening with Yahoo. We rarely recommend Yahoo Search Marketing to our client these days. It's only because it rarely converts. Comparing 5 recent clients we did with YSM with 5 recent clients of Google Adwords almost its 0-5 in conversion. Google Adwords convert much better than YSM. Most of our clients recommend us to stop using Yahoo search marketing for their PPC campaign.
So why is this happening and can you still make money from YSM?
I really don't know the exact reason why this is happening. I feel it might be the same type of users that are clicking from Yahoo compared to Google. Why this difference? Is it because the clicks might be fraudulent? But yahoo signed up with click fraud a click fraud prevention company and some companies have rated high their capabilities to avoid click fraud effectively. So what is causing this drop in conversion, I feel it could be that most of yahoo users are not exactly looking to buy stuff. They might just be clicking because they want to know what the product is about. Recently we got a blast from one of our client for spending 3000$ in Yahoo PPC without any reasonable conversion. We talked to Yahoo about it and they replied saying all are valid clicks and nothing can be done.
I have heard stories of people making money with YSM but personally I was rarely successful. When you use Yahoo search marketing make sure you give it a try with limited budget and if it works go ahead and spend money on it.
Labels: yahoo