
Machine generated pages are those pages that are usually devoid of meaningful content.

Manual submitting

This is the way of submition done by hand rather than using an automated submission tool or service. Manual submitting is the more decent way to submit, and is less likely to land you in trouble with the search engines.

Manual Review

All major search engines combine a manual review process with their automated relevancy algorithms to help catch search spam and train their relevancy algorithms. Abnormal usage data or link growth patterns may also flag sites for manual review.

Meta description

Meta description is a meta tag hidden iside the HTML that explains the page's content. it is usually short. The meta description provides an opportunity to influence how your Web page is described in the search results.

Meta keywords

Meta-information is associated with a web page and placed in the HTML but not visible for the user. Two of the most well-known meta tags are the meta description and meta keywords which are mostly ignored by search engines.

Meta robots tag

A meta robots tag is a tag that will instruct a spider not to index that particular page. Msot spiders will obey this rule butsome are programmed to ignore it and index these pages anyway without reporting back any links to the search engine.

Meta search engine

A meta search engine is type of search engine without it's own databse. Instead it will use the databases of other search engines and list their results, nest to each result will be the search engine that is came from.


Metacrawler is a type of search engine.

Meta Refresh

A meta tag used to make a browser refresh to another URL location.

Meta Search

A search engine which pulls top ranked results from multiple other search engines and rearranges them into a new result set.


MFA or Made for Advertising, these are pages which are designed to get traffic which will them, hopefully click though on the ads placed on them.


Mouseover is a term used to show a text that appears when you hold the mouse pointer over a link which is active, or some command button.

Moved permanently

Moved permanently is the term for when a visitor is redirected from a website as it has moved it's location. It is important that if you are moving an entire site that you test the new location first and ensure that it it just as highly ranking as the first.


To extract income from a site. Adsense ads are an easy way to Monetize a website.

Mirror Sites

Mirror sites are used to back up a prominent site. This is also used for load balancing at times.


Mirroring is the term for a website or page that is duplicated and put on different servers under different domain names. Search engines treat sites that register like this as spam as they artificially alter the site's relevancy and are classed as spam.


Maker of the popular Windows operating system and Internet Explorer browser.


A measure of the amount of people who think of you or your product when thinking of products in your category.

Movable Type

sale blogging software which allows you to host a blog on your website.

MSN Search

Search engine built by Microsoft. MSN is the default search provider in Internet Explorer.

Multi Dimensional Scaling

The process of taking shapshots of documents in a database to discover topical clusters through the use of latent semantic indexing. Multi dimensional scaling is more efficient than singular vector decomposition since only a rough approximation of relevance is necessary when combined with other ranking criteria.


One of the most popular social networking sites, largely revolving around connecting musicians to fans and having an easy to use blogging platform.


The least amount that an advertiser can bid for a keyword or keyword phrase and still be active on the search ad network. This amount can range from $0.01 to $0.50 (or more for highly competitive keywords), and are set by the search engine.

Meta Feeds

Ad networks that pull advertiser listings from other providers. They may or may not have their own distribution and advertiser networks.

Mechanical Turk program which allows you to hire humans to perform easy tasks that computers are bad at.



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