An array of search engines in diverse segments unveiled

A free search engine exclusively for Genealogy search was launched. It enables the search of more than 50 billion words including names, dates and places, within a fraction of seconds. They claim to be the provider of the first large scale, free search engine for family history search.
Online People search Engine was launched and will help you to locate people and possess latest features such as additional information and improved programming interface. The website was in the public testing mode for the past three months and received over 2 million visits a day.

Another search engine “ibod” originates and claims to be a potential rival for Google. South Bank-based “ibod – short for’ intelligent business on demand’ – provides free business search engines, social networking and advertising for charities and SMEs. It has already created eight jobs and a further 20 positions are expected to be available within a year. Designed to help organizations boost their profile through internet marketing, ibod will generate revenues through advertising and turnover is expected to hit £12m in four years. Kevin Robinson, an entrepreneur and a marketing specialist is the brain behind this venture

Another one, quite different from all the above, The First Semantic Image Search Engine NachoFoto was unveiled, and  provides real time images based on the meaning of the user’s query. Image is the second most popular search on Google, resulting in 1 billion page views each day. So this new venture is likely to get more hits in the coming days. In their press release they say that Nachfoto is comprised of three distinct features such as ‘related searches’, Image results, and Timeline to ensure delivery of the freshest image results.

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