Should robots.txt support a feature for no indexation

Robots.txt is a text document used by webmasters to give instructions to web crawlers and robots about how to crawl and index a website. It is a fundamental element of website search engine optimization (SEO) and is used to control the indexation of a website.

The robots.txt file is used to inform search engine spiders which pages and files should not be indexed by search engines. This is important to keep certain pages from being indexed in search engine results, such as pages with sensitive information, or pages that are still under construction.

Usually, the robots.txt file is placed in the root directory of a website and is used to prevent search engine bots from crawling and indexing certain pages. It is also used to control the crawl rate of a website, which is the speed at which search engine bots will crawl the website.

One of the more popular features of robots.txt is the “noindex” directive. This directive tells search engine bots not to index a specific page or set of pages. This is especially useful for webmasters who want to keep certain pages from appearing in search engine results, such as pages with sensitive information or pages that are still under construction.


Despite the usefulness of the “noindex” directive, many webmasters are still unsure if they should be using it in their robots.txt file. A survey conducted by Search Engine Land revealed that only 41% of webmasters are using the “noindex” directive in their robots.txt files.

The survey also showed that the majority of webmasters aren’t aware of the potential benefits of using the “noindex” directive. Most webmasters believe that the robots.txt file should only be used to block search engine bots from crawling and indexing certain pages of their website.

In conclusion, the “noindex” directive should be used in the robots.txt file for those webmasters who want to prevent certain pages from appearing in search engine results. Despite its usefulness, the majority of webmasters are still unaware of the potential benefits of using the “noindex” directive in their robots.txt files. As such, it is important for webmasters to take the time to understand the importance of the “noindex” directive and to include it in their robots.txt files.

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